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The Pillow Is Finished!

15 Jul

I thought the outside lighting would show the dimension of the quilting but it doesn’t.  I stuffed a 16″ pillow form inside it until I can get to the store to get a 14″ one… or make a 14″ form.  That’s why it looks pulled in at the sides.  🙂  I just have an overlapping back so I can swap out a new pillow any time.

Once I get the correct pillow form inside, I’ll take pictures of the pillow on her bed next to the quilt I made her.


Sunny Sunday

15 Jul

It’s going to be a sunny and hot Sunday here in mid-state Illinois.  We had some good rain over the last two days.  Not enough for the farmers probably, but it was a nice relief from the heat and dryness that is plaguing our yards. 

Gianna had another all-star game last night and the girls played well.  Their pitcher struggled a bit and it was tied up early on.  But our bats started working and we 10-run ruled the other team.  The final score was 18-8.  That gave the other team two losses so they were eliminated.  We are 2-1 and are still in it.  We play again tonight – the late game when it will be a bit cooler I hope.  Gianna is scheduled to pitch again in this game.  So I need to pace and stay in the outfield so she can’t hear me.  I make her too nervous.  The good news is that we only used one pitcher last night.  We actually used two but the second girl only pitched 2/3 of an inning so she is available tonight if Gianna struggles.  We have 4 pitchers available if Gianna struggles in fact.  However, if we win, we keep playing every night and this tournament’s rules are that pitchers can only pitch every other day.  So it would be nice if we only have to use one or two pitchers… and still win!  🙂 

On the quilting front, I’ve been big-stitch quilting the applique pillow.


I tried to photograph it with diffused lighting so you can actually see the quilting.  The thread is white #8 perle cotton.  I’ve finished all the stitch in the ditch around the applique and the inner cross hatch.  I’ve quilted about 1/2 of the outer cross hatch.  A couple more days and I’ll be ready to make the pillow and call this project complete.  Then I’ll get back to the hexagon piecing. 

Speaking of hexagon piecing….  Linda Franz, the creator of the software that I’m using to print the hex pieces out, emailed me and wanted to use my 110 flower picture on her website.  I said yes so you can see my picture and comments here.  (Scroll down a bit…)  I’ve slacked off on that project because I need to print more flowers – I’m out!  I should be able to print some each day this week to build up my supply then get started on that again when I finish the pillow.

Have a great Sunday!